Community Focus
We believe what students do at school should directly tie into the community that surrounds them. Bringing in community members to guest teach, creating rich and immersive projects that support the local community, and visiting places around Indianapolis are just some of the ways we bring our academy into the world.
Field Experiences
As we study new things, our student will have opportunities to leave our academy to see history, art, soccer, and other subjects up close. Additionally, we will utilize our ability to host virtual fieldtrips when our subject matter is located further away.
Service and Community Involvement
The surrounding community will be invited into the academy to lend their expertise during projects. Additionally, projects will be designed using real world problems that our community is facing. Finally, PSA will look for ways we can directly give back to the community through volunteer work.
Having a mentor has been proven to positively impact a student’s life. From increasing their motivation to providing support, we feel that having a mentor for our students is very important. Each student enrolled at PSA will be assigned a mentor who has walked in their shoes. These mentors will be involved in the student’s lives from checking in on the students in the classroom to interacting with them outside of the academy.